VRDBS Data Elements

Each State that participates in the VRDBS is asked to provide basic, de-identified, HIPAA compliant data associated with the DBS they wish to include in the VRDBS. The NBSTRN VRDBS imports that data and makes it accessible to investigators for searching.

Data Elements that are exported to the VRDBS:

  • External ID - State’s unique identifier not shown to investigator
  • State
  • Birth year (yyyy)
  • Birth weight (grams)
  • Gender (male, female, unknown)
  • Ethnicity (Mexican/Mexican American/Chicano, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Another Hispanic/Latin/Spanish origin, Not of Hispanic/Latin/Spanish origin)
  • Race (American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Other Asian, Black/African American, Native Hawaiian, Guamanian/Chamorro, Samoan, Other Pacific Islander, White)
  • Storage condition (room temperature, refrigerated, -70 - -80 (deep freeze), -20 (Freezer), unknown, not reported)
  • Condition – whether the sample is from a diagnosed condition (per NLM Newborn Screening Coding and Terminology Guide) or not (considered general population)
  • Age at collection (hours)
  • Nutritional/feeding status (breast, formula, both, TPN, unknown, not reported)
  • Status (available, under review, pending shipment, unavailable, shipped, returned to source institution)

For detailed information about information included by each participating state, visit the State Profiles.